Comments on: Mushroom Doria (Mushroom Rice Casserole) Sat, 25 Feb 2023 23:50:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marc Matsumoto Sun, 14 Feb 2021 23:50:56 +0000 In reply to Maria.

Hi Maria, thanks for sharing your variation. Doria is meant to be flexible (in Japan people will even make it with leftover meat sauce), so nice substitutions! As for the temperature, I used room temperature rice, if you used rice straight from the fridge, it might take a little longer. Also the thermostats on most ovens tend to be off by a significant margin, so it's possible your oven runs a little cooler than mine (mine runs +15 to -10 C from the target temperature as it cycles).

By: Maria Sun, 14 Feb 2021 19:53:19 +0000 Hi Marc, not sure if it makes much sense to comment at all since I didn't exactly follow your recipe, but it at least inspired me because I had leftover rice and mushrooms and thought of making doria. They were king oyster mushrooms so I fried them in butter with onions and deglazed with wine, and made a bechamel and mixed that without green beans. I topped with cheddar cheese because it's what I had and baked in the oven at 220°C - the rice was not very hot but still okay. Overall it was good, thanks for the inspiration!

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