Comments on: Japanese Tofu Patties (Ganmodoki) Wed, 20 Sep 2023 01:22:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marc Wed, 20 Sep 2023 01:22:11 +0000 In reply to Saskia.

Hi Saskia, it's purpose in the patty is to bind so tapioca starch should work fine. For the sauce, arrowroot is what's traditionally used to thicken Japanese sauces so it should work for that as well. That being said, different starches have different thickening power so you may need to make some small adjustments to the amount to get the right viscosity.

By: Saskia Tue, 19 Sep 2023 13:05:17 +0000 Do you think tapioca starch would work instead of the potato starch? I can't have nightshades or corn so only starches like tapioca and arrowroot are OK. I could also do sweet potato starch although I don't have any of that in at the moment.

By: Marc Matsumoto Mon, 16 Jan 2023 01:11:08 +0000 In reply to J Mizuno Kays.

I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed this😄 Good call on substituting dashi no moto. The idea of the konbu cha is to add umami, so dashi powder works great if you're not trying to make this vegan.

By: J Mizuno Kays Mon, 16 Jan 2023 00:10:01 +0000

I love the simplicity of this recipe. Using konbu cha (powder) provides a nice umami...much easier than prepping the me hijiki that is used in other recipes. I did not have konbu cha in my pantry, so I used a little dashi no moto in its place. The results were delicious! I will be adding konbu cha to my shopping list. Thanks, Chef, for another great recipe!

By: Marc Matsumoto Tue, 01 Nov 2022 01:43:36 +0000 In reply to Kathy Stroup.

The texture changes because home freezers are slow, which causes ice crystals to form. When you defrost the water comes out leaving little pockets of air. This is why frozen and defrosted fruit gets mushy and proteins tend to a get a little spongy. It does give tofu a meaty texture though so it could be good thing here!

By: Kathy Stroup Sun, 30 Oct 2022 23:47:55 +0000

In reply to Marc Matsumoto.

I had missed your reply. I was here preparing a batch for the freezer. I hadn't thought about the texture changing when I froze them, and I hadn't checked the few I had in the freezer. Just microwaving one didn't do it justice, but the texture may actually be improved by freezing. It's definitely meatier. The flavor is the same. I think if I give them a proper thaw they will be great. These should be wonderful heated in a broth or a sauce, or sliced and fried in a pan. Deep frying might make the outside too dark, but it's worth checking out. Of course, part of why I'm freezing them is for convenience, so deep frying might be out.
These are really just for me, and I love them! They'll be so nice to pull out on busy days when I would normally eat something basic. Thanks for the inspiration!

By: Marc Matsumoto Mon, 17 Oct 2022 04:24:02 +0000 In reply to Kathy Stroup.

Thanks for sharing your fryer setup Kathy! I really miss having a deep fryer, given the amount of frying I do these days I really should get one, but there's just not enough counter space in my kitchen. I've never tried freezing ganmodoki, but usually with blocks of tofu, freezing it significantly alters the texture. Hope it worked out!

By: Kathy Stroup Wed, 12 Oct 2022 00:20:17 +0000

In reply to Kathy Stroup.

That link wasn't so great. Here's the manufacturer's website:

By: Kathy Stroup Tue, 11 Oct 2022 18:58:25 +0000

These are soooooo goooooood! I can't believe it's taken me a year to try this recipe. I bought an electric fryer this past weekend so that I can make Atsuage. My former fry setup wasn't going to accommodate a large block of tofu. I was already having problems with the recovery time on small amounts of food. I have always envied your rectangular fry pot, and I know I can't get one of those, but this fryer is going to fit the bill.
I chose the Presto Pro Fry. It has an emersion heating element and an enameled rectangular pot. The whole thing comes apart for cleaning. It holds a decent amount of food and heats up super fast. Recovery time is very fast, too. So far we are very impressed. It cost less than $50 and a local store had one in stock.
What I didn't have on hand was a couple of blocks of plain tofu. This recipe has been on my mind, and I had a block of high-protein tofu, plus all the other ingredients, so I whipped up a batch. I got 16 "mock goslings" but my tofu block was one and a half times the size in the recipe. I adjusted all the other ingredients up by half.
Let me spend a moment actually praising your excellent recipe. These are as easy to prepare and as delicious as they look in the video. I was surprised that the crispy, brown outside tasted so much of potato with only a tablespoon of potato starch in the mix. It's a flavor that screams, "Yum!" to every American! The interior is so succulent and tender, and full of wonderful textures from the veggies. The interior juxtaposed with the golden exterior is enticing; I would always want to serve these cut to show them off! Slice these little guys at an angle, pile them on a bed of greens, and add a dish of dipping sauce, then stand back and watch your guests reacting with delight!
I'm going to try freezing some. These look like they would be great to have on hand for quick meals. Thanks as always for a delicious recipe and fascinating content!

By: Marc Matsumoto Thu, 02 Dec 2021 00:42:31 +0000 In reply to Antonia Chan.

Hi Antonia, it's included in my Holiday Care Package:

This one does not have any MSG.
