Comments on: How to Peel Tomato Skin Mon, 25 Sep 2023 03:46:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marc Tue, 20 Jun 2023 04:30:28 +0000 In reply to susan.

Hi Susan, I'm happy to hear this was helpful! I agree, good cherry tomatoes often have really tough skin.

By: susan Sat, 17 Jun 2023 19:04:52 +0000

In reply to Marc Matsumoto.

Wow, I didn't know you could peel LITTLE tomatoes without cooking them !!! And still have fresh tomato for salad, etc. That's great.!! Some cherry tomatoes are sooo tough. Thank you for the tip. Have a great day !!!

By: Marc Matsumoto Sun, 19 Feb 2023 10:53:42 +0000 In reply to Eddie.

Not sure where you're at, but some countries (like US/Canada/Australia) have hybridized their tomatoes to have very thin skin so it's not a big deal, but here in Japan the good tomatoes have skin that's so thick its like eating plastic wrap. That's why we peel them before using them in salads.

It's an interesting idea but it's pretty unlikely you're going to have much success cooking the tomato without having the skin come loose. It won't warm them up, but if you have a chamber vacuum you could try and pull a vacuum on the tomatoes and release it. This will compress the flesh giving it a texture more like cooked tomatoes without actually heating it up.

By: Eddie Sun, 19 Feb 2023 10:13:45 +0000 I am not sure why you want skin off on a tomato (if it's dtore bought your better off getting a can, already peeled and so much tastier in my opinion).

I;ve actually been trying to find ways to warm/cook them keepinging skin on, do little cherry tomatoes pop in your mouth but warm (even hot)

By: Marc Matsumoto Sat, 04 Dec 2021 15:20:08 +0000 In reply to manuel.

Hi Manuel, the timing will vary by factors like how thick the skin of the tomatoes are, how ripe they are, and how cold they were, but a minute and a half for cherry tomatoes would basically cook them. This method is for peeling the tomatoes while they're still raw so you can use them in things like salads.

By: manuel Fri, 03 Dec 2021 23:52:18 +0000

Timings are wrong. about a minute and a half for cherry tomatoes, and longer for bigger tomatoes. I followed the instructions and the cherry tomatoes were raw and not easy to peel.

By: Marc Matsumoto Thu, 27 Feb 2020 00:05:54 +0000 In reply to Nicky.

Hi Nicky! Glad to hear it was helpful 😀

By: Nicky Tue, 25 Feb 2020 12:39:50 +0000 Thanks for the help. Homemade salsa here i come!!!
