Comments on: Peach Passion Granola Sun, 23 Jan 2022 07:37:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pechamasac Thu, 31 May 2012 11:11:00 +0000 EXPORTACION IMPORTACION PECHAMA S.A.C con RUC: 20545217822. Es una empresa peruana dedicada a la comercialización/ exportación de productos alimenticios en diferentes presentaciones. Productos Agrícolas como: 
- Frutas frescas, congeladas y deshidratadas,
- Choclo entero, granos, trozos, rocoto, ají amarillo, ají limo, ají paprika, ají panca, ají mirasol,
- Verduras precocidas y congeladas,
-Granos y menestras: (Maca, Quinua, Kiwicha, cañihua, camu camu atomizado, aguaymanto, Maíz montaña, Paccho o Maíz chulpi, frijol peruano, garbanzo, trigo, cebada, maní, Poroto, Frijol castilla, pallar,panamito, papa seca , lenteja, arveja, tarwi o chocho, zarandaja, maíz mote, arroz de cebada, caraota, maní, habas).
- Mariscos,
- Especias o condimentos en Variedades, 
- Pastas o molidos en Envases de vidrios, saches y granel. 
Empacamos según su requerimiento, con nuestra marca V & R o marca propia del cliente.
Contáctenos a: 511 7947909 / 511 4984923 / Nextel: 51* 409 * 8365 / 051 998 657 797 / RPC: 987950514. Correos:, , ,

By: Pechamasac Thu, 31 May 2012 07:11:00 +0000 EXPORTACION IMPORTACION PECHAMA S.A.C con RUC: 20545217822. Es una empresa peruana dedicada a la comercialización/ exportación de productos alimenticios en diferentes presentaciones. Productos Agrícolas como: 
- Frutas frescas, congeladas y deshidratadas,
- Choclo entero, granos, trozos, rocoto, ají amarillo, ají limo, ají paprika, ají panca, ají mirasol,
- Verduras precocidas y congeladas,
-Granos y menestras: (Maca, Quinua, Kiwicha, cañihua, camu camu atomizado, aguaymanto, Maíz montaña, Paccho o Maíz chulpi, frijol peruano, garbanzo, trigo, cebada, maní, Poroto, Frijol castilla, pallar,panamito, papa seca , lenteja, arveja, tarwi o chocho, zarandaja, maíz mote, arroz de cebada, caraota, maní, habas).
- Mariscos,
- Especias o condimentos en Variedades, 
- Pastas o molidos en Envases de vidrios, saches y granel. 
Empacamos según su requerimiento, con nuestra marca V & R o marca propia del cliente.
Contáctenos a: 511 7947909 / 511 4984923 / Nextel: 51* 409 * 8365 / 051 998 657 797 / RPC: 987950514. Correos:, , ,

By: Hayley Sun, 15 Mar 2009 02:27:00 +0000 I love granola! I'm on Spring break now, so I can't wait to start experimenting with this. Thanks Marc!

By: Hayley Sat, 14 Mar 2009 22:27:37 +0000 I love granola! I'm on Spring break now, so I can't wait to start experimenting with this. Thanks Marc!

By: Jude Sat, 14 Mar 2009 06:25:00 +0000 I was all about being a fireman. I thought the hats were cool.
I think whole foods carries this brand, too. I'll have to check this out.

By: katiek Sat, 14 Mar 2009 03:02:00 +0000 mmmmm I tried to make granola before. I love my FULL of seeds. The pulverization of the freeze dried fruit is brilliant.

It reminded me of something that I was thinking about earlier today. Unfortunately I forgot what I was thinking about... Concerning.

OH! It reminded me of how people use ground chiles to cook and how I wanted to dry other types of vegatables and make them into powders and use them to cook. Like carrot and yam powders. Haha.

By: Jude Sat, 14 Mar 2009 02:25:41 +0000 I was all about being a fireman. I thought the hats were cool.
I think whole foods carries this brand, too. I'll have to check this out.

By: chef E Sat, 14 Mar 2009 00:45:00 +0000 I drank tang, does that count, otherwise I too have been obsessed with food and really did not see it until I started writing about it...all those memories shoved into the corner of the brain?

By: Mari (Mevrouw Cupcake) Fri, 13 Mar 2009 23:09:00 +0000 Homemade granola is the shizzle...PERIOD, and your peach passion granola makes me want to swoon!

By: katiek Fri, 13 Mar 2009 23:02:32 +0000 mmmmm I tried to make granola before. I love my FULL of seeds. The pulverization of the freeze dried fruit is brilliant.

It reminded me of something that I was thinking about earlier today. Unfortunately I forgot what I was thinking about... Concerning.

OH! It reminded me of how people use ground chiles to cook and how I wanted to dry other types of vegatables and make them into powders and use them to cook. Like carrot and yam powders. Haha.
