Comments on: Tamago Kake Gohan (Egg on Rice) Tue, 01 Aug 2023 14:30:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marc Tue, 01 Aug 2023 14:30:06 +0000 In reply to DJ.

So happy to hear this was a better way of making TKG for your family. My wife loves soupy TKG with more egg than rice, but having not grown up eating it, it's not my favorite. I made this method to make a TKG that works for me. Good call on using the wakame furikake it's a great combo!

By: DJ Mon, 31 Jul 2023 11:49:41 +0000

How did I not think of this before?! Mixing raw egg with hot rice always left something to be desired as the whites stayed a bit too gooey.... I had resorted to cracking onsen eggs over rice, but my small kids felt it was still a bit too gooey I reckon. My fussiest eater just ate one of these upgraded kake gohan bowls with surprisingly almost zero resistance, and my middle girl just downed two in short order! In addition to soy, I sprinkled your new fried wakame furikake on them to help "de-gooify" then even more for kids and provide some texture. Next stop: air-fried version of your breakfast salmon, flaked into the hot rice first. I'm sure I've eaten these superior versions of rice+raw egg in my youth in Japanese homes, but could never figure out a nice way do do a super simple one myself for some reason. As you probably know, choline and proteins are optimal when the egg is semi-cooked (these, onsen eggs, etc.), so it's like getting an upgraded egg in terms of nutrition as well. If we eat less than several thousand of these babies I'll be really surprised. What a level UP! Thanks a million, Marc =)
